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Care To Clean, Treasure The Green

Save The Nature

Plant More Trees

Save Water

Lets Make A Greener Earth

Use Dustbeans

Aritrika is the bridge that connects people to the greener earth they prefer to see.

Our Mission

Our mission is to change the public’s mindset in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and educating the people to improve the current situation of their surroundings without compromising anything for future generations.

Our Vision

We work with the vision to have a world where environmental pollution, degradation, climate change, global warming the imbalanced ecosystem will cease to exist. With this vision, we work to give proper education on environment, climate, and sustainable development goals and promote awareness for protecting our mother nature.

Tree Plantation is one of the best activities for making the planet greener, livelier, and healthier. Planted trees help our biodiversity, ensure the supply of oxygen for the next generations, and provide us with various resources. Without trees, the existence of human life, as well as other species on earth, is impossible. THIS TIME OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS ARE FIGHTING FOR ENVIRONMENT...
We should not forget to continuously take all the precautionary measures to prevent COVID-19. If we do not stay vigilant, it can be catastrophic for our country. We should continue taking all the precautionary measures such as regular hand washing, proper wearing of face masks and keeping social distancing.  Make your voice heard. Take action and join our active community creating positive change.
Rejuvenation of Environs
We will celebrate the WOLRD ENVIRONMENTAL DAY with theme of “Ecosystem Restoration”.
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Make Better Planet
It is high time we saved our planet. Voices need to be raised. Steps need to be taken. Thus, we come forward with possible solutions to protect and conserve our planet
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Environmental Speaking Contest
The way we are destroying the planet, shouldn't that make us feel guilty? Are we aware enough of the destruction sources
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For Better Future World Environment